What Is The Importance Of Fitness

The term fitness is one that is most misunderstood in this day and age . We associate the possibility of having a well toned body , great abs and curves in all the right places. However, there is more to be in the form that simply have a great body. This is not only your physical health but also mental well being .

Being fit is not an option ; should be a routine. It contributes to the overall health of the body and compliments your mental state . A common mistake that we have to dispel is that people who are actively involved in sport, particularly the athletes are physically fit. This is not necessarily the case. A weightlifter can have the power and strength , but the lack of flexibility and agility.

Components of Fitness

Sports scientist and former members of the Olympian Bill Tancred defined as having a fit body : power, strength, flexibility, agility, balance , endurance, cardiovascular endurance , muscular endurance and local coordination . These components are used to measure your physical well-being for gyms, fitness centers, hospitals and schools. Being fit is thus completely determined by how well rounded you are. All components are important and contribute to the general welfare .

Importance of Fitness

What is the importance of form? Well, there are many reasons why physical fitness is necessary for all of us .

Health Services : A sedentary lifestyle has major risks, such as heart disease , which is the leading cause of death worldwide. According to the Centers for Disease Control, the exercise can significantly reduce the risk of these conditions: heart disease, stroke , obesity, hypertension , osteoporosis, breast cancer and colon cancer , type 2 diabetes and depression.

Increased strength , endurance and energy : Why do you need all these things? These three elements allow you to manage your everyday tasks with ease. Think about it, you need strength, stamina and energy to climb the stairs , bring your child or even carry groceries . Many people do not have the strength and this is simply because they do not exercise. A study of middle-aged women found that weight lifting has 27% more active .

Increase strength and bone health : physical activity keeps your bones strong and healthy for a lifetime . Note also states that men and women lose bone mass of the tender age of 35 .

It keeps your body looking great : it is now one of the main reasons why many of us work . If you lose weight without being in shape, you end up losing muscle in your body fat. This slows down your metabolism, makes you weak and reduces the quality of your life that you can manage a smaller number of operations . Exercise and diet are as important as the construction of basic components , but they will leave you looking great.

In a nutshell , exercise improves your mental acuity , mood , sleep and overall health as it builds the immune system. A sedentary lifestyle has many health problems and these can be avoided with a fitness regimen . Remember that being in shape is not just your body . This is your overall health


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