I've always had an interest in trying to understand how the human body works and how to train optimally with minimal time and effort . Much of my free time is spent attending many conferences and seminars, online courses, and read all the books I can get my hands on related to research and read the opinions of people who believe it affects human physiology . However, each time I read books or attend seminars , I never assume that what the author / presenter said that is correct - very little guidance in the field of health and fitness are scientifically proven facts - are mostly more than conjecture with many of them proved to be false or misleading in time. "Food" is an excellent example of this, as is the endless succession of modes of fitness that come and go . It is true that the "best practices" - as defined by the proven ways of doing things - often become conventional wisdom and conventional wisdom is often wrong.
Many studies that at face value seem to have interesting results that are consistent with the hypothesis , in fact, does not take into account many other factors that may be involved in a scenario of " cause and effect" . Experts in the field of neuroscience are now more evidence to suggest it is more likely that humans are in fact " the cause of an effect. "
Studies of the placebo effect - in which our minds can affect our bodies purely think that something will have an effect on us - have shown that this phenomenon is absolutely . This fact opens up vast implications on how we can control what our bodies simply " believe" that can do what we focus on. But it is an important point to make here - I did not say we just "think" we want our body to do , but "thinks" he can do. Thinking about it , or if you want to happen is totally different that it could happen.
I recently attended a conference in the fitness industry and one of the presenters I was a very respected and dietitian in the health sector educator, I much admired for his excellent skills and presenter thorough knowledge of nutrition. In particular , I want to see his presentation on "The Paleolithic ( or commonly known as The Paleo ) diet" and hear what he had to say about it. If I had never read specific books on the Paleo diet , I knew he was vaguely called the " Caveman diet" because he preached to a diet of all natural foods and unprocessed foods , or chemically or genetically modified , I agree completely and is essentially the foundation of my diet to eat for a lifetime .
If I may diverge for a moment here - of " eating plan " I mean what is commonly used to be considered "diet" in the proper sense of the term, but in the 20th century, the word "diet" has developed the connotation a restrictive diet that is had to follow rigidly .
Wikipedia gives the meaning of the word "diet" as the sum of food consumed by an organism or group , and the " system " as the deliberate choice of diet to control body weight or nutrient intake and " diet foods "as foods that help dieters, but despite this manual nomenclature, the word" diet " these days is pretty much only recognized as a reference to a plan of dietary restriction and that is because I never use the word in a conversation with my eating habits .
Now , back to the Paleo Diet seminar ... I arrived late for the event so missed the beginning of the presentation, but when I entered the room I was surprised to hear one of conference delegates ( who were all personal trainer ) to ask the facilitator should eat apples because they were not there for days Caveman ? I was very surprised and I thought it was a pretty stupid question because surely caveman diet was not only figuratively and literally means " caveman ate, but we must follow their example eating only fresh and natural foods. Well, as if the question did not surprise me answer enough I was completely stunned ! The presenter explained that although there may not be apples in the caverns of time , they would still be OK to eat. He went on to explain in detail what exactly the caveman had access and that is what we should also try to eat . And then he made the comment that I had me wondering why he should never doubt anything that does not feel "experts" say that when he added that "of course , Cavemen has a lifetime average only 30 years , " ... what? Why on earth, we are told that we must eat like the caveman where he lived for 30 years?
Now , no one says that it is their system that prevents them from living the last 30 years , but still, how can we draw conclusions about the success of their diet when we have absolutely no evidence of the benefits of their diet on health?
Part - even more horrible is that all personal trainers in the room nodded and write notes as if they were accepted every word he says because he is the expert was , he should know ! I was the only person in the room - or across the world ! - Who recognizes that (as I have already said ) " conventional wisdom is often wrong " Am I the only personal trainer who conducts workshops and questions about the validity of what they are because of conferences with healthy dose of skepticism that I can prove that this is true ?
Personal Trainer, who, like all professionals, attending conferences and seminars to deepen their knowledge in their area of expertise and then use these newly acquired skills to be spent for the people who rely on their knowledge (and pay !) To counseling and education in this area of expertise. My biggest problem is that if the conventional wisdom is often wrong then who are the masses to believe that if teachers accept, without doubt, they are given ?
I recently came across an article written by a world renowned heart surgeon with 25 years of experience and having performed over 5,000 open-heart surgery who admitted having trained for many years with other prominent physicians labeled article article " opinion makers . " Bombarded by the scientific literature, training seminars at work, these opinion makers insisted heart disease resulted from the simple fact of high cholesterol . The only standard treatment was prescribed medication to lower cholesterol and a diet that severely limits the intake of fats . The latter, of course , insisted would lower cholesterol and heart disease .
But now admits that it does not work . These recommendations are not scientifically or morally defensible . The discovery a few years ago that inflammation of the arterial wall , not the cholesterol in the blood, is the real cause of heart disease is leading slowly to a paradigm shift in the way they are treated with heart disease and other chronic diseases.
Now, if the world-renowned cardiac surgeons may be wrong , what hope do the rest of us must know which advice to follow ?
I also have a favorite anecdote of my time working in the fitness industry, gym when I was working on had a weight control program that people can afford to do so. He was at the end of 1990, when the idea of fat is bad for you to start to sell. I remember the woman who led the group , saying that it was perfectly OK to eat sandwiches until Macca did not with whipped butter . Maple syrup and pancakes were very well prepared for consumption not to exceed the dose of calories for the day. It was the "conventional wisdom" of the day that only fat is bad for you and sugars and highly processed foods were totally harmless.
This is the age old dilemma that humanity has faced in health and physical education. With so many suggestions we receive, it is impossible to know whether this is true or just another way that the wrong company may replace it with something better , cheaper , easier , or just more interesting and difficult to say - prove "conventional wisdom" .
Unfortunately, for the average man in the street, there is an easy solution to this recurring problem. My solution to the problem was to spend my adult life researching the subject that fascinates me and that is: . " As my body functions and what I can do to improve performance" Because most people do not have the time or inclination to devote their lives to this cause , they rely on " experts " to give advice , but unfortunately , we have seen that this method seems to affect solutions and precision. too long, people have been deceived into believing that they have no control over what their inherited genes can do.
We need to know more about our bodies and how the human race began in a difficult situation - how we got to the point where billions of people in the world are not only overweight, but obesity, and more 40 million children under five are overweight. And despite the recognition of the problem , the world continues to gain weight and governments continue to ignore the real causes , which are :
· An increasing number of outlets that offer people fast food to poor nutrition junk food.
· The points of the most famous portions that still offer the largest sale - "migration" .
· Aisles full of choices quite useless Supermarket and very addictive bad food, or drinks / sodas, chips , cookies, candy, soft packaged highly processed foods , etc. Three - quarters of supermarket aisles are completely useless for "survival of humanity and do nothing but encourage people who do not know better or they choose to ignore the health warnings .
· School canteens offer all the "food" items above for school children - the child has a glass of water if you can get a can of Coke ?
· Major sporting events in the world sponsored by undertakings Junk Food / drinks.
I 'm sure you can begin to see the fundamental problem today - the GDP of the modern world is based on the results of these products. Do you think the Olympics would never be sponsored by a food co-op or industry fresh meat in Australia? It is not a coincidence ! Suppliers " real food " are not anywhere near the benefits that industry junk food / drinks. What is a fatal that we have created a vicious circle - all major sporting events around the world are sponsored by the world's worst influences on humanity. It was not until the worlds biggest sporting sponsors are tobacco companies - I think we did wrong in just as bad or worse !
The problem is solved all the possibilities for government policies can make a difference. The money, power and corruption are now - as they always have been - which regulates the political worlds of government, not only in developed countries but even more so in underdeveloped countries . There is a reason why there are so many anti- corruption agencies in the world! Governments simply can not ignore the trillions of dollars that lifestyle products offer the world economy today .
The reality is that the health of you and your family depends entirely on the shoulders - do not be so naive as to think that the government - or should - check out what goes into the mouth . We can not blame the government for allowing these products to be supplied - we do not buy! You can make the choice to buy healthy or unhealthy food - there is no one to blame but yourself for your lack of willpower. Simply because these items are available does not mean that you should buy. People are kidding themselves if they think nothing but healthy food is a necessary item in the cart .
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