Women love Kettlebell 's because they do a great job of optimizing hotspots important to women : hips, thighs and buttocks. Almost every movement Kettlebell adequately address these muscle groups .
But women need to be careful not to work too hard these muscle groups . I do not believe in spot reduction , and when your body burns fat , burns fat in the body. If you have high levels of body fat in these areas , make sure to arrange training sessions kettlebel with a healthy diet.
But those who are effective Kettlebell workout routines for women? Well, as I do not believe in spot reduction , I do not think you need a radically different program for women. For every goal you want to change the basic training just to understand the movements that target your trouble spots .
For example , here is a basic Kettlebell workout :
Kettlebell Row 2 sets of 5 reps , rest 60 seconds
Kettlebell Swing , 2 sets of 10 repetitions , rest 60 seconds
Head Kettlebell Press , 2 sets of 5 reps , rest 60 seconds
Kettlebell front squats , 2 sets of 10 repetitions , rest 60 seconds
Kettlebell Chest Press , 2 sets of 5 reps , rest 60 seconds
There are some simple changes that we can do this workout to make it more effective for women :
Claim all the movements of the lower part of the body up
Add a movement of the lower body in the mixture
Increase the total volume ( sets and reps ) movements of the lower body
Now, if there is another part of the body that you want to work , for example , triceps, then you can certainly add more volume to the head and chest presses - two great movements tricep kettlebells.
In addition , you can add extensions or tricep pull .
As you progress in your training and become more experienced , you will be able to modify any workout session to suit your needs .
One of the best programs I came across Kettlebells Kettlebell Revolution . You can learn more about this powerful training program on my blog , ShahTraining.com .
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