How to Build Muscle For Women - 3 Muscle Building Tips For the Skinny Girls

Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation out there about how to build muscle for women. Most girls have been misled by the so-called "gurus" and personal trainers focus on officials to get toned muscle and burn fat , because women can not really build muscle because of its hormonal .

If you've been told before , you lied . But do not worry, here I will reveal 3 hot tips to help you build beautiful sexy muscles and shame all the guys in the gym .

How to Build Muscle for Women Tip 1 - lifting heavy weights

The real secret of how to build muscle for women is to lift heavy weights . The only way to gain muscle mass is to force the body to lift loads more , and the only way is to be in a range of short series . If you do a lot of repetitions with light weights ... STOP ! Never help build muscle. Stick with 4-8 reps per set , and make sure your last rep is almost impossible.

How to Build Muscle for Women Tip 2 - Do not spend hours in the gym

The heavy lifting for women muscle building key is to keep your workouts short ... long workouts are simply not possible with this approach. Your workouts should consist of about 8-10 total sets . Any more than that and you will force your muscles to train, or to sacrifice the quality of their representatives. Both things will continue to build muscle mass .

Remember that muscles are built for the rest ... so be sure to have a day of rest between workouts to allow your muscles to repair and grow .

How to Build Muscle for Women Tip 3 - Eat more ... more

A woman trying to build muscle is to start eating more and more often too . 6 small meals instead of 3 large is much better to build muscle mass and keep your metabolism rate and constant energy .

Increase your protein intake - about 1-1 ½ grams per kilogram of body weight is good, and try to have a third of carbs per day , half an hour before the workout. Eat plenty of green vegetables that take longer to digest and feel full longer.

Bodybuilding not only make you look great, but the more muscle mass you have, the more your body is able to metabolize fat and process means that you will find it easier to stay in shape.


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